Saturday 29 December 2007

Crab bake feasting

After our drenching on the beach it was back to the house and quickly back to cooking these delicious creatures. A searing hot wok was the perfect vessel for the mighty claws, which did need a bit of hacking at the joints to make them more manageable. (I do have a whopping great dent in one of my best Global knives, as I stupidly and impatiently set to work cracking these beauties open). The scallops were put under a hot grill, with aroma of the meat, the pesto and hot shell filling them room with the most delicious aroma. The mussels hadn't as yet been cooked, so the contents of the parcel were put in a saucepan and the mussels steamed open. Once cooked, everything was piled high and the scallops were served with a salad of local Landcress - which has a pepperyness not dissimilar to rocket. Plenty of lemon wedges were cut and then everyone just helped themselves, along with thick slices of granary bread to mop up the beautiful juices. The most amazing flavours were had from the fire smoky, but sweet crab meat which was got at with all manner of blunt tools and picks. I think this has to be food at it's sexiest, where you can pick and smash to only be rewarded with delicious, succulent morsels. Nothing really beats the fresh, sweet flavours and the utter simplicity of the accompaniments. Not a foam in sight thank god.

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